Hi everybody,
I have a problem when creating a PBR Material. This material seems to be too flat compared as it should be in the following image.
I’ve made a PG to show you what happens :
I don’t know how to fix it.
All the image files required to make the texture are available here :
If anybody can help,
Thanks in advance,
cc @PatrickRyan who might have a look.
Isnt your Material sample in the image above using a displacement?
The mesh/vertices are displaced - thats clearly visible in the silhouette.
Parallax or displacement/tesselation?
The PG doesnt have any displacement.
Do you mean this by “flat” ?
Yes, it has a displacement texture but i don’t know how to set it in my texture.
@bvaisman , I took a look at your scene and there are a couple of things that are not set up correctly. To compare after corrections, I put your PG side by side with the 3D version on PolyHaven:
There is a slight color shift after the corrections, but I don’t know what image processing may be happening in the 3D renderer on the polyHaven site. The image above is using the Empty Warehouse 01 HDRI to match with the IBL in the sample on their site. I also disabled the hemispheric light as it just flattens out the render.
The two main issues I found were that on line 30 you were setting a reflection texture that was the same as your IBL. This isn’t the best practice as you don’t need to assign the reflection texture twice. You will get correct reflections just by assigning an environment texture to the scene using PBRMaterial.
The other part was in the metallic texture. You had set your roughness to the green channel and the metallic to the blue channel, but your texture had the same information in all three channels. So you were setting part of your wood texture to be metallic, and thus reflect the environment in the base color. Your blue channel should be entirely black as your material has no metal in it. So your metallic texture should look like this:
This is white in R, your roughness texture in B, and black in G. You can also slot your AO into the R channel and have one fewer texture to load.
As far as displacement goes, you will need a high-resolution model as we do not do any type of automatic tesselation. Either load a high-resolution mesh or create a MeshBuilder mesh with a lot of resolution to achieve good displacement. You will also need to create a custom node material to handle the displacement. It will look something like what you find in this playground:
You can then use the PBRMetallicRoughness nodes in NME to create the fragment part of the shader. Hope this helps.