I would like to share with you the first application I made a while ago when I first started on Babylon.js.
I thank you of course for this great tool, I really don’t regret this choice which covers a large part of my needs of realization.
I would also like to thank my friend @Vinc3r who was a great help to me on the code level, but also under Blender with his indispensable add-on ReTiCo.
@Cstfan: Very nicely done. I spent many years (9 years on my city’s Library Board) involved with libraries (public libraries) - stopping them being closed down, Those libraries are perhaps a little different - you see lots of children ( and not shady characters wearing strange T-shirts ). Parents bring their children to “Story Times” and “Mums, Pops and Tots” .
I remember walking my two young daughters to a library - they skipped along the sidewalk, laughing in anticipation. And now my little grand daughter goes to have fun.
Excuse my reminiscing about the past - books, libraries and what they mean to society, are important to this old guy . And your excellent work brought it back to me.
Feels like the pointer selection module is “under pressure” when its enabled - maybe disable it if you don’t need it - it will make the tour more fluent
It’s true that I don’t have a smooth movement when I move the controlers. I also have problems when I move my head on parts there are a lot of objects. There are still things to optimize in terms of mesh sizes. Otherwise, I consulted this part of the documentation WebXR Selected Features - Babylon.js Documentation but I did not find what you are talking about.
I’m not sure I understand, can you tell me what to do. Thank you
The pointerSelection feature is enabled per default. There are a few improvements coming up very soon, but until then, if you don’t really use it you can detach it from your scene.
To detach it:
xrHelper.pointerSelection.detach() . You will lose those “lines” that check if the controller points at a certain mesh , teleportation will still work!
If you do need it, try optimizing your pointer-move predicate and make sure it only returns the meshes you want to be able to select yourself
I’ve finally been able to free myself up to test this. My god, it’s super fluid now. I love you
What a good idea I had to share this project in progress to @gryff, because you saved me from working on a mesh and grouping optimization problem that wasn’t the source of the problem.
Now I’m hoping that @PirateJC will put my first production on the site, that would be great.
Come on, I’m finally getting back on this Virtual Tour project, I hope I won’t ask you too much