I start with an array of Vector3 arrays. Each line is only two vertices. Each line is a single color and a constant width.
With CreateLineSystem, I can use
mesh = BABYLON.CreateLineSystem("debug collision",{ lines:lines },scene)
mesh.color = colorsByPhysicsEventType.get(event)
This works well, but because the set of lines in a LineSystem can’t grow, a new set of lines (which could variously be more or fewer lines) needs a new LineSystem. I end up dispose() and regenerate each frame.
With GreasedLine I can generate using
mesh = BABYLON.CreateGreasedLine("debug collision",
points: lines,
color: colorsByPhysicsEventType.get(event),
materialType: BABYLON.GreasedLineMeshMaterialType.MATERIAL_TYPE_SIMPLE,
And I get a similar result. Works great!
However, when I use setPoints, i have to convert the array of Vector3 arrays into arrays of float arrays. Each float array has six elements the xyz coordinates of each line’s endpoints. I also don’t see any lines beyond the number of lines in the initial GreasedLine. Do I need to also provide a new widths array and/or colors array?
const points = lines.map((a)=>[...a[0].asArray(),...a[1].asArray()])
With an eye on this thread about optimizing setPoints (and after I get updating working at all), I’d like to find the most efficient mechanism of updating a GreasedLineMesh that doesn’t create a lot of objects that get garbage collected every frame.