Meshbuilder helper create box with rounded edges

I’ve created a helper functions that created a cuboid with rounded edges so that it render nicely with a shader that uses normals.

I thought this might be useful to somebody else so thought I’d share.

There’s probably a simpler way to do this, but at least this implementation works! happy to hear any suggestions! :blush:



Nice work! Using a Ribbon like that. This could be a great addition to our Ribbons doc! Want to add it?

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Hey Raanan, I’d love to get that added! How can I do that? Thanks!

Great! makes me very happy :slight_smile:

We have a documentation website, and each page in our docs references a single markdown file. You can find the correct markdown file if you scroll all the way down in the page you want to edit. It looks like this:


Hey Raanan,

I’ve raised a PR to add that page edit here:

Add cuboid with soft edges example to Ribbons Page

My Github handle is Teamhitori, hope that’s ok?



Hi ReubenH,
this is exatly what I was looking for. Thx so much

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Amazing job sir!!! Really useful :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: