This part is dedicated fully to reflections so you can expect a lot of them and to animations.
Guys and pump up the volume! Without audio this demo will loose it’s coolness. Actually I hope you will find it cool as well as me. I hope the timing will be good on all PC’s
A lot of my ideas didn’t get to the demo. I’m starting to be fed up with diamonds
The dancing dude is created dynamically and attached to the rig in the code, so it is easy to create any creature.
EDIT: updated:
Source will be released later, as usually.
I’ve found out that the demo has pretty awfull timing issues It runs differently on my friend’s Mac… The colors are overexposed as well
I need to find out how to make frame perfect timing obviously. I added a Spin button and the Demo starts in Camera unlocked mode. The camera now can go upside down and you can change the animation but only once, because I can’t unsync the running animation: