When I just do a straight export of Mixamo (Ganfaul) and import as fbx into blender and export to glb then all of a sudden I get a model that is like inside out, etc.!
As far as fbx to glb maybe want to ask this within a Blender group as well and see what they say.
Myself using Mixamo I would combine model with rig animation then bring into Blender. When I first did it I separated both and it confused me
As far as Transforms when you hit Apply the coordinates you plugged in from the location,rotate,scale sections connect to the model.
@tobowers : I’m not sure there is anything wrong with Blender 2.93 as I have had no trouble with Mixamo animations.I do always import the .fbx files with with the Armature->Automatic Bone Orientation box checked. No idea if that makes any difference - just gives me the bones set up as I like them.
I have no problems with the “Apply All Transforms”, just do the rig/armature first, then the meshes. Works fine - except for its position - now way below its position (Image 1 below). The whole rig/Meshes get moved. It will export as .babylon file - but the animation is all over the place.This is due to the location of the hip bone not being scaled correctly now in the animation.
To fix this issue, open the Graph Editor and fix the scaling.(Image 2 below).
The bits you want start around 6 minutes and run to about 8-9 minutes. The stuff about Godot Engine is not important, though he does have a script for renaming all the bones to delete all the mixamorig: from the bone names. Saves a little on file size and easier to work with.
Hope that helps a little. All done with Blender 2.93
Thank you! This is amazing and now I have an animation that’s not distorted. I did not have the same problem where the hips drop down. I think the super important difference here was to scale and de-rotate the armature first which isn’t in the tutorial.
Now though - because of the removal of the rotation, my character defaults into laying on the ground and walking up into the sky. Is the suggested way to handle that to rotate in babylon?
@tobowers : Not sure what you are doing. These are my steps in order:
Import the fbx with Armature->Automatic Bone Orientation box checked.
Select the Armature and "Apply All Transforms".
Select the mesh and "Apply All Transforms".
In the Graph Editor scale just all the location keys by 0.01 in the Y direction as in the video.
Export as a .babylon file.
Last night I went to Mixamo looking for your character “Ganfaul” and found “Ganfaul_m_aure”. I assumed it is your character. I then added a walking animation and downloaded it.
I imported it into Blender, and carried out the five steps above in that order. Loaded the file into the Playground. Here is the result :
Thank you for this guide, animation pipelines are something that a lot of folks here (myself included) struggle with, so I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge
@tobowers : I took a look at your videos and noticed when you “apply transforms” you use the second “armature” in the list. Don’t! Use the "armature right at the top. Don’t use your method in the second video
See image below. Never had a bad file from Mixamo.