Mixamo to babylon

@tobowers : Not sure what you are doing. These are my steps in order:

  1. Import the fbx with Armature->Automatic Bone Orientation box checked.
  2. Select the Armature and "Apply All Transforms".
  3. Select the mesh and "Apply All Transforms".
  4. In the Graph Editor scale just all the location keys by 0.01 in the Y direction as in the video.
  5. Export as a .babylon file.

Last night I went to Mixamo looking for your character “Ganfaul” and found “Ganfaul_m_aure”. I assumed it is your character. I then added a walking animation and downloaded it.

I imported it into Blender, and carried out the five steps above in that order. Loaded the file into the Playground. Here is the result :


The red cube and the character mesh are at location 0,0,0 (the cube is the camera target). The character is walking on a regular ground plane.

Stay Safe, gryff :slight_smile:

If you want the Blender file - happy to post it. gryff :slight_smile: