[optimizing] How checking total scene's drawCall count?

My reference : [Optimize your scene - Babylon.js Documentation]

PG : [https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#HH8T00#1]

I think result = ‘0’ is weird. That’s right?

Is there no connection between meshes count and draw call?

Where do you see 0?

I always get 0’s for frame times on Firefox & Edge. I expanded to 8 decimals. Chrome is only one with non-zero returns.

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This is because only chrome support perf queries unfortunately

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const sceneInstru = new SceneInstrumentation(scene);

I have twelve cameras. And my current drawCall count was 24.
That’s time, enabled Meshes count is 0.

Same case.
Twelve cameras. 24 count drawCall.
But, enabled Meshes count is 5.

Is there no connection between meshes count and draw call?

Can you repro in the playground?

Mesh count is somehow linked to draw calls but if your mesh is not visible it will not end up creating a draw call

This is can visible well at PG. [https://playground.babylonjs.com/#F6H1LE#5]
But, shown count is scene count * 2, it at mac + crome’s canvas.

Well you have 2 meshes and the ADT to render so 3 draw calls is correct

Problem was difference of PG & others(browser? engine? editor?).
This is can visible well at only PG . :thinking: