Physics V2(Havok) Collision Not Working

I want the cylinders not to overlap, but collide. But as shown in the Example, they do overlap instead of collide when you move one of them using ‘A’ key. Could someone please help to make it work?

Hi @HenryMa

Aggregates mass is set to 0, making them static.
You can find more informations in these doc pages : Babylon.js docs

Thank you! @Cedric

It works by setting mass to 1, as shown in the PG:

However, got the following error when I tried to implement in my web application, Debugging:
Syncing transform failed for node TransformNode.position.set is not a function

Please do guide if you know something!

Can you please update the PG to repro?
Don’t hesitate to log informations on your program by using console.log

Trying to reproduce by this PG:

But ‘videoFigure1.position.x -= 0.1’ doesn’t move the cylinder as would be expected…

Seems like ‘videoFigure1.position.x -= 0.1’ is blocked by the Physics Engine, since it will move as expected when I comment out the physics related logic. PG:

I think this is related : Babylon.js docs

Reproduced the error by this PG:

Fixed by changing from updating ‘videoFigure1.position’ to '‘videoFigure1.position.x ', PG:

The PG above works as expected, but the Cylinders in my web app still are overlapping instead of colliding. Debugging… :slight_smile:

Seems like the issue is related to Integration with Cesium