It seems to be a length calculation bug.
The length value between two vectors is correct(1.414), but give it to a Ray function as the length parameter, i get a longer length. The latest Babylon version is the same.
This is because the helper scales the direction given by the length given and so the helper line will only be of the given length if the direction is a unit vector, eg
This use of a unit vector in the helper could be forced by changing to
this._renderPoints = [ray.origin, ray.origin.add(ray.direction.clone().normalize().scale(ray.length))];
However as this would be a breaking change we need to ask @Deltakosh whether this should be done or a note about the consequences for the ray helper of not using of unit vector for direction when constructing the ray should be put in the documentation.
Ok, i get it.
Thanks for your reply.
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