Agreed. I think 6DOF is a superset of all others. I’m ruminating on how to do it while I’m learning how to visualize data from Havok. As you might imagine, and can see in the playground below, it’s not trivial.
To show how simple it is to use the classes I’m creating (instantiate the class with options, and call .enable()), I’ve added my current working DebugMeshes class to a playground to show how it works.
I’ve added a few options since my last post. The playground mostly just shows off local axes and linear velocity.
DebugMeshes contains options to show physics parameters related to PhysicsBody in the local space of the PhysicsBody:
- wireframe of PhysicsBody shape
- ActivationState ACTIVE or INACTIVE (color)
- Center of Mass,
- local axes,
- bounding box,
- linear velocity
Comments welcome! If you try it out with other playgrounds, add a link here. Be sure to copy the whole class including the version date.
I’m thinking of changing the name from Meshes to Bodies or similar.
The playground is one that reveals either a bug or limitation in Havok Engine (for more info about the playground, see Havok Precision - #33 by HiGreg)
Edit: running for a minute or two, the playground crashes with the upper left sad face box. Rerunning gives the error “Unable to create uniform buffer.” Not sure if there’s a general problem or if I’m just stressing my browser.