Yeah. But that would be too hard. It would need to be added for other Materials as well.
You could make your own. Though, I’m pretty sure I came across a PG that lets you play with all these properties?… I just can’t find it at this moment May be @labris can recall it? Or may I dreamed it
If someone wants to contribute it, I’ll gladly merge it
I don’t take orders, Sith. But if it’s power you seek, consider this task mine. I’ll prove I’m more than just a shadow in your empire.
I appreciate your dedication to the dark side
Ok, do we want the steepness
stuff as well or just to tweak the Inspector?
I’m fine with both
Just my opinion: the ability to do the later might help us determine if we need to add more to it (I think).
Makes sense
Do we need anything else here?
Could anyone frequently using the SkyMaterial
comment on the min
values defined here? (starting at line 31
How much time do I have to check on this?
At a first glance I believe there’s a ‘cameraOffset’ property (offset ground level).
As for the min and max using a slider is always a bit of an issue and a compromise.
It’s true for many other properties in the inspector. Ideal would be to be able to enter a value that’s not within the slider’s range. But as I said, this would apply to a number of properties.
Edit: As per my experience and settings, I believe ‘turbidity’ could do with a higher max. I have one going up to 40. And this one doesn’t require very fine tuning (so I think).
I’ll post a link to the snaphost PG so you can test it live. EDIT:
I can wait as long as everyone involved gives me green.
We have to choose, slider or input only.
@Deltakosh or maybe we could change the behavior of the SliderLineComponent
so we can manually input values out of the predefined range and change the color of the input to indicate the out of range state.
I’m eager to hear the feedback on this one Likely there are values that could break the thingy. On the other hand, the versatility of BJS allows to enter some unexpected values that might just give you the edge you want. Like in some cases, entering negativ values for colors or intensity Don’t think we can cover it all in the inspector while keeping 100% consistency
Here you go! turbidity
maxed to 100
Sorry, don’t have much time today. I’m giving it to you bits by bits I believe you could push the rayleigh max to 2 (subjective, from the settings I used)
Ok, I’ve asked chatgpt for the ranges and set them accordingly…
Anyway, thanks for helping me to tune the ranges
I’m eager to see what this does… and challenge the beast
I like that a LOT! I’ve been struggling with that need since quite sometimes. Adding a boolean to allow overflow would be NEAT!
I can do it if you want
Maybe an out of range value entered manually could extend the range of the slider + you could add an exclalmation mark next to the slider - easiest one.
Or if you have time to make it funky: the slider could have a two colored range [min-entered;min-default) - color1, [min-default;max-default] - color2, (max-default;max-entered] - color 2
I was more going down the path of makring the slider with a red color or something
I’ll see what I can do