@Evgeni_Popov @CraigFeldspar - I was trying to look at the questions related to SSAO2 and found this question ( SSAO with HRD texture causes color precision loss - Bugs - Babylon.js (babylonjs.com)), I was having the same issue and thinking to raise the question on the forum but found my answer here. Surprisingly, the fix done on this pull request ( SSAO2: Allow to choose the texture type used by the post processes by Popov72 · Pull Request #10329 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub) solve the issue I raised here as well. I m happy but not sure the relation and the how.
I test the change at your end using https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js on my environment, hopefully this change will include in https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js soon.
The OTHER ISSUE I face is related to camera rotation when I attach the camera to SSO2RenderingPipleline. The camera movement have some pose or lag, it is not smooth like when I detach from the pipeline. I would be glad if I can get any suggestion.
Thank you in adavnce.