Videodome on Safari/Apple Vision Pro

Now that I have good looking 360 stereo photos on Vision Pro, I would like to add video with Videodome. I played around with some video formats, surprising to me over/under H265 that works fine on Windows Mixed Reality doesn’t display at all (Babylon.js Stereo Video) an MV-HEVC does play, but is entirely blank once I enter XR (Babylon.js Stereo Video)
Any advice on getting something working, or what the challenges are? A VideoDome.MODE_MVHVEC for example?

cc @RaananW our XR expert

Oh, Apple…
We had an issue similar to yours here - VideoTexture not rendered to in Apple Vision Pro . It might not be entirely related, as you are not using an external player, but it does seem like the behavior is very similar.

I am not sure as to why it doesn’t work in WebXR but works outside. Checking the quest - it does seem to be working correctly there. I took the liberty to generate a playground - Babylon.js Playground ( to be able to debug this as well. I can try debugging it on the vision emulator (sorry, I don’t have a device yet, long story), but i can’t promise a proper solution. I hope it’s something trivial that we can fix on our side.

Any idea on this one? I played with adding a manual start like the above mentioned bug, but no luck assuming I got the syntax right:
// Create the XR experience
scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync().then(function(xrHelper) {
xrHelper.baseExperience.sessionManager.onXRSessionInit.add(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(“playing video”);;
}, 2000);

Sorry for the lack of updates on my end, I have been sadly swamped with other things.

Take a look at this one -

It will create the video dome only when you enter XR. you can then hear the audio, but the texture is not updated.

It seems like neither a gl drawImage call nor texImage2D are working, when providing them with a video HTML element.
It feels like a browser issue TBH. i tried playing around with some parameters and tried finding some information about it somewhere else, but i can’t seem to find any details about this issue.

What version of vision OS are you testing with?

I am on beta 2.1. The above playground gives an error after a few seconds in VR mode.
Does this Apple thread help? Vision Pro Safari WebXR video play… | Apple Developer Forums

oh, i’ll go over this. seems very much related.

Yess! Looks like VisionOS 2.2 beta 3 fixes the issue. I’m going to be making some videodomes this weekend.

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amazing! so happy to hear that