First, here is an example playground so you can see the highlight issue I’m talking about in the title question:
Now for more explanation of what I’m trying to do:
I want to create a sort of heads up display for important messages. For example, in immersive XR mode, there is no way to look at console.log error messages while wearing the headset, so I put any messages I want into an advanced texture and place them on a plane in front of my camera so I can see them without taking off the headset.
This is working pretty well, except when there are other objects in front of my plane, they block the messages. I solved this by setting the plane’s renderingGroupId to a number higher than 0, which every other object is set to using. This renders my plane on top of other objects so the text is always visible.
The other problem I had was that my own message plane would get in the way of my pointing and picking on other objects in the scene. I fixed this by making my plane isPickable to false.
I discovered a new problem though, and this has to do with an entirely separate feature, which is highlighting objects. Apparently my message wall, when rendered in front of an object I want to highlight will not silhouette the object, but instead illuminate the entire object, See playground example:
which… though cool, is not what I want. I don’t want my message wall to break other features.
My question is:
Can I have a brief explanation as to why this is happening and
Is there a better way to do this message wall plane thing?
From reading the docs, Babylon’s 3D Gui “Once instantiated, the manager will create a utility layer which is a specific child scene that will host all the meshes used to render the controls. This way, your main scene won’t get populated by the utility meshes.” That sounds like what I want, to keep my message wall away from interacting with other things in the main scene. But I couldn’t find any examples of using 3D GUI with 2D GUI stuff (advanced Texture on a plane).