3d space with room

hello everyone .
I want to create a 3d art gallery where multiple persons will come and interact with themselves with chat .Before starting the project , I want to confirm the following points and project flow …

1 Login registration form
2 multiplayer system
3. character selection
4. video screen
5 . Logout page

this is my project flow . Please suggest me if any step above is not possible in babylonjs or any other alterantive for that

some live examples would be a great help

Hi and welcome to the community,
It’s a good time to start with this sort of project and there are already a number of projects, achievements and demos available today.
I believe @nasimiasl would be able to give you good insight for this. He’s got a project of a metaverse in progress
There are in truth some amazing things that have been featured lately using BJS, such as this
And then, there’s also the bublr project from @metafred
I believe all steps are indeed possible to use with BJS. I believe the log-in and out would be best done outside of BJS. I am not sure what the ‘video screen’ is but you can sure have videos in BJS.
And then, I am sure @labris can also give you some good tips for the multiplayer part and interacting in the environment. He’s among the pioneers who did that. Will you? Thanks,


Regarding multiplayer one of the simplest solutions is to use Colyseus.
There is a good tutorial in Babylon Docs - Real-time Multiplayer with Colyseus | Babylon.js Documentation
(but the example itself stops to work)
Also, there is another even better Colyseus bolierplate which one may use freely - GitHub - BabylonJSGames/BabylonJS-Platformer-Game-Prototype: A 3d platformer browser game prototype made with the BabylonJS framework written in TypeScript.
It has the most basic interactions already written, which could be of a great help, especially for beginners.


Hey Andreson

To my point of view, only 3 and 4 would be done inside BJS.
BJS is “just” the 3d engine.
1- you need to build a front + backend to deal with that. they are multiple solution for that. maybe even no-code.
2- at Bublr, we use photonengine.com. you can start with a free plan, and it comes with a fully functional chat! (but it doesnt keep history)
3- you need to code that in BJS. i don’t think there is something premade for that
4- you want to play a video? or you are talking about screensharing? both can be done in BJS. the first one being easier than the second one.
5- same as 1

What’s the aim of your plateform? A fun side project? A business opportinity?
Maybe you want to check out what we’ve done here: Bublr