Unfortunately no as this is a postprocess.
But if that works for you, you can maybe use 2 scenes? render your mesh+pp in the first one and everything else in the second?
That is SO strange, DK! What the heck? How the heck? (Wingy pinches himself to check if awake.)
Oh yeah, hi craql and welcome aboard! Interesting idea/challenge!
Now I gotta go lock myself in the basement for a week until i grapple what the hell Deltakosh just showed us, and build a game plan for future experiments/abuse of it. The FPS is solid as a rock! heh.
but you render from TWO CAMERAS! its possible render 2 scenes with one camera? e.g i need render 2 scenes from vr camera. first scene for world and second for vr gui placed in world from second scene because if i render vr gui attached to boxBehavior in main scene with postprocessing its slow down render
Hi C, sorry to butt-in, but… adjust the value in playground line 30. Values around 1000 will give you better fps readings, and values < 20… unpredictable. This type of scene… “messes-with” the playground fps meter. (Actually, it disconnects the fps meter as soon as that setTimeout runs.)
That was a Wingnut comedy attempt… cuzzz… I played with line 30, and thought about setTimeout running only ONCE (opposite of setInterval)… and then I panned the camera around violently, and the fps didn’t even SLIGHTLY “flutter”/change-val… and then I said… “Hey Wingnut… you are being fooled”.
The fps is disconnected after it is written-to once or maybe a few times. Then it freezes at its last-displayed value, and is never updated again.
… replaces engine’s NORMAL/default .runRenderLoop()… with a new “TWO scoops of ice cream” -version. When we installed that new overload function, we accidentally disabled refreshFPS() or some similar-named system.
FPS - rock-solid… you bet. It’s shut off sometime around scene.onReadyObserve
Good fun, huh? If I were energetic, I might repair this PG’s FPS-updater… but… no… too lazy atm… sorry. Still, good fun with FPS, eh?
Deltakosh knew. I know he did. I think he and his co-workers… had some intra-office bets placed… “I bet someone asks about the slow FPS”. I ALMOST asked about it in my last post… but then I figged the fun.
DK, @craql 's original challenge… was to activate a post-process on a specific group of mesh… when camera is above them.
Will renderingGroup ID’s be useful, here? Can Cragl add a camera.beta-dependent post-process on a certain GROUP-id of mesh, while other mesh in the scene (other rendering groups) remain post-process-free?
I’m not sure if renderingGroups will solve the “post process only on SOME mesh and only if camera.beta < .707” -challenge. Thinkin’. (yikes, huh?)
I’m only about half-way thru my basement time with that playground. I accidentally thought about 100 scenes… each with a different post-process, MAYBE each with a different viewport (6 viewports on-canvas at same time … scrollable)… to “show-off” our “Coolest Post-Processes” and let user select one of the viewports… and make it go full-canvas… and back to “thumbnailed” again (back to scrolling viewport menu-o-post-procs).
SO demented! I knew this would happen with that PG. I went dreaming and drooling… off-topic and really… BJS-abusive. I have no life.
(Wingy quickly codes-up the GUI2d viewport control) (yeeeah, right).
thanks @Wingnut and @Deltakosh for diving into this. I also appreciate some knowledge on how not to be fooled by the fps meter.
@Wingnut if you do go down a path of prototyping a multi-scene singular-object post processing playground I’d love to see it as although I now understand in concept how to pull this off, as working example from a pro would help me work through this.
I’m no “pro”, unfortunately. I’ve just been standing-around talking aimlessly on the forum… for the same amount of time that a LONG TERM pro MIGHT do. In other words, I’m only old enough and programmer-smelly enough… to be a pro. Not smart enough, though.
I hardly ever do post-processes. Maybe some highlights, glows, lensFlares, and GodRays (VLS), but that’s about it. I went searching playgrounds so i could see what a chromaticAberration IS or LOOKS LIKE… found one broken playground… working on getting it fixed.
Let’s invite EVERYONE to help with this. There’s some post-process gods around here… I hope they climb-aboard. But I’m a little worried about this idea of “only aberrate when seen from above” - thing. We obviously have two scenes, one mesh in each, being rendered to the same canvai. So, hmm… same mesh in both scenes, one scene with aberration PP, one without.
I guess… hmm… perhaps add the 2nd aberrated scene atop the canvas… when camera.beta < .707 (arcRotateCam)? Or… maybe just turn ON the PP in scene 2… when camera.beta says “go”, and turn-off again when not wanted? I dunno.
Ok, I just went and read a bit about CAPP (chromatic-ab post-proc)… distorted color focal points caused by light passing thru glass (or something like that).
I HAVE seen this effect… usually when I wake in the middle of the night and turn-on that bathroom light. FOOM! - wide-spectrum photon explosion… IN YOUR FACE, bro. Usually, I am soon-able to re-locate my “point of focus” in those cases. “pressing matters”.