Custom NME node with same input ports

Hi folks!
What is the preferred solution to get rid of the duplicated ports? The only solution I’m thinking of is creating a passthrough node. Are there any other options? If not, which passtrough is the fastest?

Thank you!

Adding @msDestiny14, I don’t think there’s a way to hide ports.

You can hide a port actually by selecting it in the original frame and flagging it as Expose on Frame: false


Hello @deltakosh!
Thank you!
However I am curious whether this situation where I have two nodes with uv as input in my custom frame
can be solved somehow to avoid this:

You can either rename one of them (or both):

Ok, but the point is that both receives the same value. Would this be an acceptable solution? Adding scale by 1 and copy pass the value to the inner nodes?

This way the duplicates were eliminated:
So is just about choosing between aesthetics in the node editor or faster shader code :slight_smile:

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In that case you can use a vector merger maybe? That could be interesting to create a duplication node (one input and 2 identical outputs)

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Or better with any number of outputs

Unfortunately the system cannot generate ports on the fly

Than what about Copy2, Copy3 and Copy4 nodes? I think it should cover most of the needs.

well a simple Copy node then is enough (with 4 outputs)

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