Determining NullEngine fps

Hi everyone!

Just a quick question about the best way to determine NullEngine fps. I just would like to assure that the engine runs in a stable fps all the time… Not sure if the best way is to console log the engine.getFps().toFixed() what I tried to do just a few minutes ago :sweat_smile: … Any tips for this?

Also a continuation why I’m asking; getting a fluctuating NullEngine fps of ~40, even though it is supposed to run at 60 fps…

Answering a bit to the question; node --inspect works wonders on creating a node process where you can hook your regular Chrome debug tools:

There is still the problem of “how to see the NullEngine fps reliably part” :smiley: Also curious on how the camera processing works in the NullEngine…

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getFps is the way to do it and in nullengine everything but gpu operations are executed.

It might be your RAF equivalent not being fast enough ? cause it looks like your full frame runs in about 3ms

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Hmmm, it is a bit hard pickle. I do have a lot of instanced meshes in the scene, but somehow I thought that not actually rendering would not eat my performance so much… :smiley: Here is even bigger picture:

Can you provide any insight in what could be done, other than reduce mesh amount… :sweat_smile:

at least in node you could freezeActiveMeshes() on the scene to bypass your biggest cost. Babylon is actually CPU bound so I am not surprised your frames are pretty similar.

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Nice, that did the trick with the meshes problem! Fps is around ~53 now!

Now the bottleneck seems to be the Recast blackbox. I guess the animation section might be in relation with this as well, as I should have disabled all the animations in the server side :thinking: I’m kind of curious how much power the crowd calculation is taking since there is just one agent standing, not doing anything :smiley:

Let s check this one with @Cedric

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It seems that I have not paused the animation correctly…

^ That is the idle animation of my main character… Is there a global way to destroy/stop all animations in the scene? :smiley: Currently trying to do this in every turn and it is not doing the trick:

let animations: AnimationGroup[] = task.loadedAnimationGroups
if (animations && animations.length > 0) {
  animations.forEach((animationGroup: AnimationGroup) => {

Seems as if the initial animations cannot be stopped… Weird.

But yeah there is also the Recast thing I would like to get some insight on :slight_smile:

scene.stopAllAnimations() should do

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Are you using the latest version of recast available?
Can you try to set the recast update time step to 0 (with setTimeStep) and profile again?

To improve quality, it’s possible to split deltaTime into smaller substeps. This might be the reason for the time spent here.

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I’ve updated the Recast two months ago in my project, has it received soma major updates? I’m already using the setTimeStep with 0 :slight_smile:

const r = await Recast()
navigation = new RecastJSPlugin(r)

Could this have something to do with the quite large navmesh area I have?

I’ve updated the npm package some weeks ago. If you have no agent, do you have the same trace?


Removing the agent did give a small 0.3ms boost to the Recast calculations… My crowd is initialized like this:

crowd = navigation.createCrowd(100, 0.1, scene)

Here is the current graph, without agents:

Do you think the newer Recast version could help with performance?

Also I noticed that I should probably strip the models off their materials… Don’t really need the PBR calculations on the server side, right? :sweat_smile: Is there some global way to do this, or do I have to tinker with the models by hand?

yes, test with latest version, to be sure.

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wait, recast update takes roughly twice the time of NullEngine.GetRenderHeight? how much time is it?

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Now that I tried again it is around 0.4ms for the update without any agents:

Total renderloop time is 0.9ms.

It seems that the performance is a lot better with the new version of recast-detour. This is with the agents involved! :slight_smile:

0.3ms renderloop time woop woop!


All in all this was a pretty cool investigation. If someone stumbles here trying to debug the NullEngine, some tips:

  • Use the engine.getFps().toFixed() to get the fps
  • Use the node --inspect handle to start Node.js in debug mode, then you can use the Chrome devtools to debug your Babylon stuff.
  • Do not use actual models/meshes in server side / NullEngine unless it is needed for some reason, for example I have map tiles that are shaped in certain way and cannot be substituted with placeholder meshes.
  • Stop the animations of the loaded models and make sure they are stopped. No need to animate models server side, but they might auto-play when imported.
  • Remove expensive materials (pbr in my case) from loaded models.
  • Try to think if you can freezeActiveMeshes on the server side. For example, my game map is composed of a lot of instanced meshes, so I could easily freeze them after creation.

Also use the latest package versions at all times :wink:
Thank you @sebavan and @Cedric for your time and help as well! :pray: :heart: