Different FPS in the sandbox for the same GLB


MacOS/latest Chrome, https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ with the same glb performs very differently. What the heck? :wink: Any ideas?


GLB available via message.

How do you replicate? Ideally do not touch inputs, all setup by script. Hard reload via timeout. Record fps time series.

Other than that: DevTools is closed right? Also, can you access FPS/render time outside the Inspector?

Also noticed inter-frame goes down in the slow sample.

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The problem is that when I load the model in my project and run it locally, it always performs poorly. I tried to strip down the code so I have nothing “extra” in it, just a simple scene and the GLB file loaded. This makes me crazy :woozy_face:

The render time is very different in both cases… Could it be that in one case the rendering is done by the CPU and in the other by the GPU? Also, you could try to use the performance tab of Chrome and see if there are differences in the snapshots.


I agree. This seems to look like a local computer issue

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@Evgeni_Popov @Deltakosh

Seems to be a Chrome issue. Safari is not affected.

I started to have another “funny” issue in Chrome. This code kills Chrome if pageMode is undefined :smiley:

It’s been running w/o any issues for quite a long time but after updating the browser it breaks. Safari is not affected though… Life is hard :see_no_evil:

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Is it a recent mac? Like m2/m3 class? This is super weird

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I’m a proud owner of a MacBook M4 Max :wink: :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: :flexed_biceps: It’s a beast!

/jealous :smiley:

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