Examples from the playground

simple is beautiful #simplicity-reimagined :smile:

Oh and don’t worry I don’t spend much time on it, really.
I’m a normal human: I need 7h to rest, 2h to cook and eat dinner, 1h to mostly disregard and trash all coms from all my Vectors, 1h to mostly comfort my so-called friends and family
3h for playing (sry, private section!), 30 min for cleaning my body (in case there would be a conf call;), 1h exercise (so I have been told and so I can continue to eat burgers;), 30mn to clean my mind (from all the above;)
AND, If I have some time left after all that, I’ll likely do some work or try gather some additional resources;)
Have a great day and over all, please continue to inspire us :smiley:

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A simple Rectangle Selection tool for my project, might be handy for others as well.

Rectangle Selection Example


Yup, nice. Thank you. Filed already for possible upcoming use :smiley: Thanks for sharing and have an awesome day, :sunglasses:


Yet another Skybox


Beautiful, What is this source? Can you eliminate the lines drawn by the box (without altering the visual)?

Fun with tubes building


b/w version https://playground.babylonjs.com/#EHRYT7#1


It’s very usefull. Thanks a lot! :+1:

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Chandelier :smiley:



I’ve seen the prototype.moveTargetTo used in Earth³ demo, which seems coming from this playground, so here a simplified version that can help people to move an arcRotateCamera to a specific point:


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yes, yes
 more procedural examples. I just love this stuff. If I would be an artist in the 2020’s, I would want to explore this path
. May be the day I will retire;)

Rotating mesh by mouse. May be usefull to someone (did not found an existing solution on forum)



I noticed that the PIXI and BABYLON.js Demos were a little dated, so I decided to make a new example with their updated API.



Awesome! Now Spine animation is supported by babs indirectly
 I will make a pg for that


Cool, let me know when you get that wiped up Id love to see it!

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Spine animation in babylonjs



I have used the « *May be one day » formula for all of my life. For Arts, since I was 10. The truth is, I never could make a decision on which Art to choose and I’m still unable to make this choice today. I believe I must have been granted, initially, some sort of ’sense’ and ‘feeling’ for all Arts. So of course, being nothing more than a regular human, I decided to study Banking and Accounting!? Of course, I hated it (no shit;). Got my diploma on the very fine edge without any form of implication and an already high level of disgust), immediately switched to Marketing and
 I hated it. Was next called into the newborn digital arts for the printing industry, because of my skills and inclination to use computer arts, and
 I loved it. And in the end, spent 15 years on it.

But at this time, I also realized that a ‘graphic designer’ or a ‘digital designer’ or ‘art- or creative director in digital arts) does not make ‘Art’. That’s the first thing I also immediately started to tell the novices once I became ‘Head of graphic design’: Here, we make #Commerce and #Com; We do not make Art.

But then, I also realized that with this BG and this role, and with a sense and a basic to intermediate knowledge of all or most Arts, you can actually ‘express yourself’ quite a little - Well, you would just need to remove the dimension of ‘yourself’:wink: You are dedicated and you will have to do within the scope of #Commerce and #Com and within the limits of the best form of expression for your client’s #Culture.
Pros and Cons; We all need to weigh’em out and choose/select a path. At least for a time.
So, Yes, as I say ‘May,be one day’ ( in my next life), I will choose to become
 an Artist.

Note 1: I believe I am (one of the good guys), or at least I’m trying to. And it’s not always easy, is it?
Note 2: I didn’t notice the ‘ban’ part. I simply accounted your request. What would we be if we wouldn’t do just that (without further questions)? I’m also sorry if my writing (objective and neutral as can be) somehow triggered something in you. I might not always select the best words and english is also not my language. We have to be very careful with words these days, don’t we?

Have a beautiful day,

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What’s that little project?

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light.intensity = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.05;

In addition to light intensity changes to simulate the illusion of ambient lighting it is possible to use slight color changes (in a given color range) in all your lights in the scene.