I love it! It`s very nice
Drag watchtowers in the top left viewport and see what happens in other views (Follow cam and 2 target cameras) - https://playground.babylonjs.com/#7CBW04#707
As follow up - @sebavan article
Way better with webcodecs https://playground.babylonjs.com/#ZDVUR3#5 still working out the real implem though.
Hit the cube with the red sphere!
(But the cube is EXTREMELY slippery )
RTT with Glow:
Particles with Glow (using RTT):
Dude in the Ghost City - https://playground.babylonjs.com/#4HUQQ#1767
WASD to move, SPACE to make some explosions
@labris : I like it. Just wandering off in that direction myself
Stay Safe, gryff
Just found a Halloween PG which I’ve missed - Babylon.js Playground
(click on the grave’s “Let’s Begin” to start).
There is also the article about it - Grim Grinning Textures. Welcome Foolish Mortals! | by Babylon.js | Medium
this is cool
… It’s a rich man’s world!
pixi-js owl
Back to the future?
So now you (dared) adding a texture Beware! This is slowly getting off limits
Nice, very nice! this kind of reminds me of something…just something
One of my PG I kept aside for years: Babylon.js Playground
Cool. May be you should get in contact with @bjornbacklund who just recently posted this:
Altogether, I can imagine something real fun could may be come out of a collab
Sometimes the ball falls off maybe because of the thin mesh. We have to control the gravity
I always wanted to buy a toy like gravitrax game, but circumstances didn’t allow me, and I ended up making a virtual one