Examples from the playground

If you scale up the entire scene by like a factor of 10 or something, that will help with that a lot of the time with stuff falling through.

Our physics libs like larger numbers vs small fractional ones that have more float error.

At least this was what I was told a long long time ago by @Deltakosh correct me if I am wrong though?

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Good idea. All the dimensions were drawn in a CAD tool all using real scale, so it kind of became small for the physics. Indeed it’s just a matter of scaling up everything. Decreasing the mass also helps

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That’s one of my retro remakes :sunglasses:


Just wanted to mention here that this historical thread that has been the source of so much inspiration in the past years has been reinstated (after it disappeared for a short time). Please continue to share your awesome ideas, sketches, rushes and findings here! Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:


is this thread still alive lol?

made this shockwave effect + dalle-e ai auto generated background image, some mortal kombat kind of stuff


Thanks for sharing and yes, it’s alive :zombie: :wink: again! So, thanks for reviving it. It has been a source of inspiration for many years and I hope it will continue. People would just need to realize that this thread is back in business :smiley:

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Yeah no worries, glad it’s being revived again

Woaaaaah that’s cool :open_mouth: I was thinking about trying dall-e/stable diffusion for textures too :slight_smile:


Yeah it’s really good for generating textures, there’s also a blender addon for generating textures which uses stable diffusion, i think its called dream textures. The only downside of using this ai generated images as texture in a 3d scene is that it needs to be upscaled

A start for texturing heightmaps by height. Idk if it’s the right way to do this, been done in a hurry. Worldmonger does not support shadows.


pg/4WM08Q/revision/14 is not working.

This is ok https://playground.babylonjs.com/#4WM08Q#14


:sweat_smile: Yeah. Just pointing out that the “Full URLs” are not working as @RaananW said in his post.


i’ll check that :slight_smile: thanks.

My PoC of trail effects. Based on @Cedric 's NME version - Relaxing trails around a PBR sphere, with animation path coded in the shader for large number of trails following thin instances.

The PoC was improved and finally became trails of death. :expressionless:


Looks super nice, I love the colorful ones :smiley:

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This should solve it! - [PG] reference files correctly by RaananW · Pull Request #13403 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (github.com)

Thanks :slight_smile:

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A bunch of arrows!

Could probably refine this and turn it into a game.