GreasedLine mesh doesn't respect doNotSyncBoundingInfo

When doing some memory profiling, I think I found that GreasedLineMesh doesn’t respect the doNotSyncBoundingInfo property. The case that is impacting me is in greasedLineMesh.ts, Line 204 in protected _setPoints() at the end on the line this.refreshBoundingInfo();

I think it should have “if (!this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo)” around that line.

There is a similar line in greasedLineRibbonMesh.ts, line 209.

I’m not sure if this check should also be in the updateLazy() methods. If so, there is one in greasedLineBaseMesh.ts, line 206 in updateLazy().

If it is added to _setPoints() then it looks like it is automatically included in greasedLineBaseMesh.ts in addPoints() since that calls setPoints() which then calls this._setPoints() in the subclass in greasedLineMesh.ts.

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I’m fixing this. Thanks for reporting!

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