How to apply smooth, material and light to meshes of GLTF?

Hello all,

I prepared a demo to ask you a question.

How to apply smooth, material and light to meshes of GLTF? Could you please help me?

Here is a playground page for it.

And I wanna make it like this image below.
I tried this too many times but not completed.

For your information, above image is rendered in a native android app which is written in C++.
(using same GLB file).

Hey! to get this you will need to make sure that you are smoothing your normals in your DCC tool (the tool you used to generate the GLB)

In Blender it is simply about right clicking on a mesh a choosing “Shade smooth”

Also an update to your PG so we can see your objects better: glTF Loader Demo | Babylon.js Playground (

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Thanks for your answer so much.
Yes, I tried to apply “Shade Smooth” in Blender, but no success.
Here is what I did in Blender. Could you please let me know what I was wrong?

And I updated the link better in this way.
Updated page link

See Materials | Babylon.js Documentation (