How to set lightmapTexture when exporting from 3dmax, and it is possible to set custom properties for texture?

We need to export 2 textures: for image and for shadows map. It works in js code when we assign texture jpg to emissive and shadows jpg to lightmap.

Also we need to set custom properties for each material. Like type and so on.

How to do it directly in 3dmax?

Best regards, Viktor.

Hi. As i know. You cant export shadowmaps or lightmaps in materials from max because no exported map slot in max material for this maps only for ambient occlusion slot.

Thanks. It is sad.

Pinging @Drigax for confirmation

(btw the exporters code is open source and we are looking for help:))

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Correct, currently we don’t have a passthrough for lightmap textures

Would it be possible to add a lightmap container in the babylonAttributes of the physical material that gets exported (maybe also with a levelValue)?
I was looking around in the forum and it seems to me like a lot of people would appriciate this feature. Using babylonjs for a few years now and this feature would also be really nice for my workflow.

Keep up the great work and greetings for the Team.

We don’t have the bandwidth to work on exporters atm unfortunately :frowning: But we’d love contributions from the community :slight_smile: