Import multiple times Blender object in a Babylon JS scene at specific cordinates

I am very new to this Babylon JS. I was trying some stuff like creating a scene in Babylon JS and importing some objects created in Blender 2.8. I have attached a Babylon playground link and a Blender Object. In the Babylon scene there is four enclosed walls. The attached Blender file is of a door. I was wondering if it is possible to attach this door on every wall ( 4 walls so 4 times). If I am wrong, then please suggest how to handle these kind of scenarios ?

blender door (4.1 KB)

Hello and welcome!

You should be able to import your door once and then maybe clone or instance it?

Some useful links:

Hi @Deltakosh
Thanks for your reply. I did followed the AssetContainer api. And I am able to import the blender exported .babylon files. But I am facing a problem that the object is completely dark and its not glowing/reflecting the light of the babylon code. Am I missing something?

I can see there is a light on it so maybe you need to either add more lights in the scene or make sure that they are correctly configured (are all the objects using PBR?, did you set up an environment for then?)

Doc about PBR: Start with Physically Based Rendering (PBR) - Babylon.js Documentation