I have encountered a problem, using the env file in the ios webview environment, occasionally there is a problem of hdr lighting loading error, causing the model to become black, I only use hdr lighting, it will appear every time, sometimes it is not pure black, it will become gray, Just close the app and re-enter.
Some info that might be useful:
Babylonjs version: 5.35.1
HDR: Use the env file converted from this page Babylon.js Texture Tools
Model: use glb file + pbr material
Very similar to this issue: No lighting occasionally in Safari (mostly) · Issue #1955 · google/model-viewer · GitHub
And I know that other teams have encountered the same problem when using the playcanvas engine. They used the code of updating hdr and updating the material to improve this problem.
When the model is black, I try to reload the env file to generate a cubeTexture and add it to scene.environmentTexture, the material is still black, and I also try to assign the cubeTexture generated by env to the reflectionTexture of all pbr materials, but it still has no effect.
I’m new to babylon and I’ve been trying for a few days and can’t figure it out, hoping for some help.