Real time Diamond demo

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Thanks @simon. Many thanks for making the link active. It is truly beautiful. It is nice to see this implemented in the BJS community. Any chance you are willing to explain how the demo was done?

I see there are multiple node materials and the scene description is in a json file. Is the JSON logic proprietary?

This looks awesome! I recently saw this new site that provides 3D diamond service: (Built with ThreeJS I assume)

I’m a little overwhelmed at work right now. A detailed description takes time. Maybe I’ll write an article, but I’m not sure. If we talk about the implementation of this demo as a whole, then the diamond itself consists of 2 parts 1st outer which is the surface of the diamond and the 2nd is internal. First one emulates reflections on the surface and the most interesting things happens in the second part. To the second part was added material using following techniques:

  1. Emulation of internal refractions using a normal map implemented using a 360 texture
  2. Dispersion emulation (using 360 texture with prepared dispersion texture)
  3. Real refractions through the use of reflectionProbe