I’m getting poor performance on mac Safari browser, every other browser is running fine, but just drops to 10fps when playing on Safari, anyone know why this might be?
Is there issues with graphics libraries? API issues? Driver issues? Anything that can help me figure this out, or an explanation.
No, just what the Unity Toolkit uses, I’m assuming out of the box it’s webgl, also there’s more resources on my game (that I can’t upload yet) that I don’t think you would see it by opening an empty project in safari.
Yeah I notice that it’s automatically scaling the resolution to 4k even on lower end machines, is there any way I can set it by default in either the html (.config, .html) or even in code? @sebavan, I don’t need to force it in the Toolkit.
I tried setting it after export, but nothing:
When you create an instance of the engine, the 4th parameters should be false to ensure we do not scale to native dpi. Or you can use after the fact engine.setHardwareScalingLevel(1)
I am facing performance issue in Safari and Firefox webGL 2 with BabylonJS 4.2, in those browsers I get like 20 FPS but in Google Chrome it’s normal to 60 FPS, I tried your suggestion with 4th parameter new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, '', false) and also with engine.setHardwareScalingLevel(1) , but it has no effect. how can I debug this?