PSST!!! Hey there (whisper) incredible Babylon.js community! We’ve got some incredibly exciting and surprising news to share, but it’s a BIG secret!
Babylon.js 5.0 is here now! However please keep this news a secret, shared only here amongst this forum.
1) Babylon.js 5.0 is here early!
2) Keep it a secret until May 5th
3) Use it and create a demo/playground
4) Share a social media post with your Babylon.js 5.0 demo/playground on May 5th at 1pm PDT
5) Use the hashtag #BabylonJS5 and tag @babylonjs
6) Remember! Keep it a secret!!!
Why is it a secret?
We’re trying something a little different with this release than we’ve done in the past. Before we tell the whole world that Babylon.js 5.0 is here, we want to invite YOU to be a part of our “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” moment.
While Babylon.js 5.0 is available now, we’re keeping it a secret between us (the forum) until May 5th. May 5th is the date of our “BIG ANNOUCEMENT.” That’s the moment where we’ll officially tell the world that it’s here!
What does this mean for you?
We’d like to officially invite each one of you to be a part of our “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” moment on May 5th. Over the course of the next month, for anyone who’d like to participate, we’d like to invite you to use the new version, create a demo or fun playground, prepare a tweet/YouTube Video/Social Post of your choice. Then on May 5th at 1pm PDT, join the “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” by posting your tweet/YouTube Video/Social Post.
What kind of demo/playground should you make?
That’s 100% up to you! Our theme for the release is “Space.” Babylon 5? Get it? If you’d like to create something Sci-Fi or Space themed, that would fit right in, but certainly isn’t required.
What should I say in my tweet/YouTube Video/Social Post?
That’s also 100% up to you. Say whatever you like. Hopefully something positive that helps get the world excited about Babylon.js 5.0!
Twitter is where most of the “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” will take place, but feel free to use the social media platform of your choice to help spread the word. No matter where you post, please use the hashtag #BabylonJS5 and include @babylonjs.
Babylon.js 5.0 is quite simply the biggest, fastest, and boldest update to the Babylon Platform that we’ve had and that is in MANY thanks to each of you. This community is absolutely amazing and we sincerely could not be any more grateful for each one of you and the positive, compassionate energy that you bring to this platform every day.
On behalf of the entire development team.