I’m currently trying to implement ThinInstances in my project, using Spheres as instances (~10.000 instances).
I’ve noticed the scene picking became really slow when enabling ThinInstances picking. Interesting enough, reducing the number of faces on the sphere mesh does seem to increase performance by a lot, so I’m assuming the picking logic does some kind of mesh face iteration.
I’m not sure if this is possible - but is there a way to do a ‘light’ picking logic - in which my ray would just pick the Instance position (that’s all I care about in my picking - the instance position), and not do mesh face iterations?
I’ve put together this PG to replicate the issue: Babylon.js Playground
Reducing the number of segments on the Sphere does give very different results.
Another interesing test to do is to set the numParticles
to 10, and the sphere segments
to 64, it would still cause a pretty big drop in FPS as well.
Thank you.