The test render is achieved very differently from how it needs to be achieved in Babylon (render is in Blender using meshes for water foam) but I am wondering if there is a way to accomplish the same look?
The current method does not create any foam in “world space” around the mesh as it is just using a depth map and “painting” the mesh (apologies my shader fu is weak) as per above link. I’m stumped as to how to go about this without creating additional meshes as part of the models (not very feasible in our case). Has anyone tackled this sort of problem before?
If its static just use some quads with a texture and alpha on it to fake it.
Otherwise if I had to do this I would make a secondary camera that is in the positive y some amount of space to allow for seeing the context you need to have with the foam outline (and only render the objects you need to that camera). Have a shader be applied to all meshes that need foam that in their vertex shader you flatten them entirely on their Y and then scale them out a certain amount on the X and Z. Then in the fragment you set them to a solid color that you will use as your mask later. Then once the material pass is applied you capture the rtt from your above camera and bind that to a texture on a plane that matches your water surface.
It sounds complex but to fake it would not be that hard to do.
Apologies most relevant playground is this one which is what the shader is based on with only a few small changes -
Will try and make an updated one shortly.
@Evgeni_Popov thanks for giving it some thought, it is very apreciated
Hi @Pryme8 , the snake is animated and also the tiles underneath the snake undulate so that’s why we couldn’t go with static quads (unfortunately).
That is a very interesting idea I will need to try and improve my shader skills and give it a go. I do worry that the secondary camera will have too great a perfomance impact but I may be wrong.