The above video is a demonstration of a water-intersection effect that was implemented by following this excellent post: Simple stylized water shader with playground:
The problem is this technique requires the use of a linear depth buffer which doesnt seem to work when rendered using a orthographic camera (which our game is going to use):
What we are trying to recreate in 3D is an effect that we have in the past baked into the 2D versions of our assets:
Im wondering if rather than using a render texture we could achieve the same effect with a semi-transparent plane and some clever blend modes?
November 3, 2022, 12:44am
@Evgeni_Popov is the king of rendering
I am using an ortho cam with the same shader without problems. You might have to tweak the shader a little to accommodate ortho params but its not a biggie. If your view is closeup and depth affects the foam generation, then this shader cannot help you. You could try a volumetric approach. If the foam is an impt aspect in the look and immersion of yr game then spending some time and effort getting a cool foam shader is worth it. Hope it helps.
Really? Would you mind sharing the values that you are using for the shader? These are the ones I am:
const shallowColor = Color4.FromHexString(`#b2e6fd`);
const deepColor = Color4.FromHexString(`#06364b`);
// set shader parameters
material.setTexture("depthTex", depthTex);
material.setTexture("refractionSampler", renderTarget);
material.setFloat("camMinZ", camera.minZ);
material.setFloat("camMaxZ", camera.maxZ);
material.setFloat("time", 0);
material.setFloat("wNoiseScale", 5.0);
material.setFloat("wNoiseOffset", 0.0);
material.setFloat("fNoiseScale", 5.0);
material.setFloat("maxDepth", 0.5);
material.setVector4("wDeepColor", new Vector4(deepColor.r, deepColor.g, deepColor.b, 0));
new Vector4(shallowColor.r, shallowColor.g, shallowColor.b, 0.8)
Any special camera settings other than camera.mode = Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA;
to get this to work?
It simply refuses for now (see the above image).
Oh… hmmm what on earth am I doing differently then… hmm…
I think the only thing you changed was to make the camera Orthographic is that right?
camera.orthoLeft = -10
camera.orthoRight = 10
camera.orthoTop = 10
camera.orthoBottom = -10
The Mode is the only difference between the two camera’s in my scene. Has anyone got any hints of what I should be looking for? Maybe shadows are interfering in Orthographic mode somehow?!
See video to see what I mean:
@Evgeni_Popov will probably know what is going on
Sorry, I missed this post!
Note that @phaselock also updated the calculation of the water linear depth in the shader:
float linearWaterDepth = ((vClipSpace.z + camMinZ) / (camMaxZ + camMinZ))*(camMaxZ*0.5);
instead of:
float linearWaterDepth = (vClipSpace.z + camMinZ) / (camMaxZ + camMinZ);
Note that the right formula for the ortho camera is:
float linearWaterDepth = (vClipSpace.z + 1.0) / 2.0;
because the z component in clipspace has a range of -1..+1
January 11, 2023, 4:26pm
Thanks for fixing that @Evgeni_Popov . I always forget to convert my depths XD…