Hey there! The sampler2D issue was a browser breaking change fixed in 4.2.1 and 5.x versions. I think editor might be using 4.2.0, @julien-moreau is that right?
@sebavan I’m not using the Editor at all so it’s not an issue for me. I was just trying to help @ZzMarmot to solve his problem, created a quick test and ran into the shader issue. However this topic can be valuable for the others experiencing the same problem.
Thank you!
Hey @Lozamded
I think you don’t need to update the version of the editor but more the one you are using in the project.
Simply set the version of all « @babylonjs » dependencies in the package.json file of the project to 4.2.1 and then reinstall dependencies using « npm i »
Don’t forget to rebuild the project (npm run build or CRTL+b in the editor)
hey @julien-moreau
I have tried to change those dependencies in the package.json to 4.2.1, but it seems like i couldn’t install them. it was just stucked and reported (cached miss).
I went to the github page and found there is just 4.2.0 version of the editor. Should upgrade the babylonjs version to higher version?
wish for your reply! thank you