[WebXR] Issue with imageProcessing in XR

Hello there! Im trying to use imageProcessing in the XR mode, but the result is visible only on the left eye. And very low fps. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


https://playground.babylonjs.com/#VLIYBZ#3 - with processing for 2D camera too

Headset: Oculus Quest 2 or Google Chrome WebXR emulator

Can anyone help me?

Hello and welcome to the Babylon community! Tagging @RaananW our XR god to take a look, he may take a while to respond as he’s OOF right now :smile:

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XR has, under the hood, two different cameras for the left and right eyes, and they should be included in the rendering pipeline’s list of cameras. There was another question about it, and I am about to debug why the other example doesn’t work, so I will combine the answer there, if it’s fine with you :slight_smile:

Problem on pipeline with VR device - Questions - Babylon.js (babylonjs.com)

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