I need slight wind effect on the tshirt while standing in a position. I tried this using blender(physics properties) but its not working.
can somebody help me how to get wind effect on this tshirt (maybe from left to right direction) using babylon framework
Wind physics aren’t the simplest, but you could try with cloth sim: Soft Bodies | Babylon.js Documentation (babylonjs.com)
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Thanks carol…
Just trying using PhysicsImpostor seems it is not getting applied to the mesh… can u suggest where am making mistake…
i need some improve for make it ready
You have to initialize the physics engine first. I recommend reading through the entire physics sections of the documentation.
Thanks nasimiasl…
This is very close to my solution…
In my case i am using rigged avatar(glb file) with only one mesh i.e outfit_meta_1
i tried with yur approach by importing this mesh and hardcording the coordinates. its not working.
If i convert this into .OBJ file then how can i reference the .MTL file attached.
Can u pls simplify it for me.
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i love do it 
i write it better for you in thiss post
just notic that is not need any riged
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any update nasi waiting for yur solution…
i am completely stuck not able to move forward…