Please ad an intensity/contrast slider for the environment light in the Inspector.
Can you be more specific? What parameter should this slider update?
Adding @PatrickRyan FYI
(Happy to add it by the way as soon as I will be sure to get the need :))
Just make the IBL less bright.
adding @sebavan but I think you can already do it on the material by reducing the envTexture level
do you mean, loop through all the materials & change the environmentIntensity
BTW, a change to Blender exporter snuck into a skeleton bug fix I commit I did yesterday. It allows you to modify it on a material by material basis. Also planning to get rid of namespace for materials. You cannot share materials cross blend file in the JSON exporter.
@JCPalmer solution works as well:
I see i could do that for 50 materials.
But a slider would be easier.
Interesting i dont have this slider in the materials.
Think maya isnt exporting the connection.
I have there only Metallic and Roughness.
Please click onto the image its cropped in here.
you can change it at scene level (my first capture)
i have to come back here.
we would really need a intensity slider for the env light.
its still not possible to dimm it.
if you lower the levels for the env light only the reflections are influenced.
and in the shader we dont have the environment slider anymore.
its also to cumbersome to gor throu 50 shaders only to dimm the env light.
Here a video explaining what i would expect.
If i turn the levels on the env light texture to 0 my scene should turn black if there is no other light source.
It looks like it does work on metal materials. (898.0 KB)
Adding @sebavan as this is PBR related
This will be in the next nightly: IBL Intensity by sebavan · Pull Request #6654 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub
on the scene inspector:
I love you.